

KG Field Trip to DUDU MUSEUM

KG students keep having fun with their Community Helper's Unit. This time they went on a Field Trip to DUDU MUSEUM, it was AMAZING!

Posted on 25 03 2019 Read more

World Scholar’s Cup

Secondary School students were among more than 600 competitors in the Regional Round of the World Scholar’s Cup held in Ulaanbaatar and brought home a multitude of medals and 12 trophies, including Overall Champion Team for Senior Division, Fourth...

Posted on 22 03 2019 Read more

Social Studies ESSO DAY

Social Studies department coordinated our monthly ESSO (Expected Schoolwide Student Outcome) Day in conjunction with the annual celebration of International Day. Students and teachers wore the traditional dress of their homeland to highlight the d...

Posted on 22 03 2019 Read more

Elementary school held its annual "ASU's Got Talent" show on March 15.

The audience was entertained by amazing dancers, singers and musicians. Congratulations to the top three winners - Arna, Chingis and Huhehairerhanna for your fantastic performances.

Posted on 21 03 2019 Read more

Raffles Institute visited the Art I class

Two weeks ago, representatives from the Raffles Institute visited the Art I class to inform students about possible careers in Graphic Arts and share some emerging technologies, like augmented reality and virtual reality. Students participated in ...

Posted on 19 03 2019 Read more

Art I class

Art I class explores a unit on creating rhythm and stimulating the sensation of music and movement through mixed media and non objective artworks. We finished the unit with a class critique- making use of the new purple gallery wall!

Posted on 18 03 2019 Read more

Zurgaadai Team is on the news.

Дунд сургуулийн 12 дугаар ангийн сурагчид өөрсдийн санаачлагаар сайн үйлсийн аян эхлүүлэн төсөл хөтөлбөр боловсруулж, харааны бэрхшээлтэй хүүхдүүдэд зориулсан ном хэвлүүлэн бэлэглэжээ. Тэд бол Улаанбаатар дахь Америк сургуулийн сурагчид юм. А.Энх-...

Posted on 18 03 2019 Read more

Grade 6 Collaborative work

The 6th graders learned about collecting and analyzing data through varied activities. Through collaborative work, they measured each member's waistline, threw darts and did frog jumps. 

Posted on 11 03 2019 Read more

Physics II

Physics II students created hydraulic machines by applying Pascal's Principle. 

Posted on 07 03 2019 Read more